Monday, July 20, 2015

July 20, 2015

Loved ones,

It has been cooler here, until recently... It's not getting hot, and I mean HOT. The type of heat mixed with humidity, that by the time we walk out of our apartment to our car, we are  covered in sweat. Pretty fun. 
Y'all have been doing phenomenal with the Preach My Gospel studies we have been having. Your faith and diligence is always inspiring to me. You each have strong testimonies of the Restoration! You are sound with the doctrines of the gospel.
Seeing that you each have a firm grasp on the doctrines, we will be moving more into the "application" mode.
The Lord taught us that a "wise man" is he who, "heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them" (3 Nephi 14:24). There are two degrees of faith mentioned in this verse: the faith to hear, and then the faith to do. We have been "hearing" the doctrines of the gospel for years, but as we strive to further and fully "do" them we will receive all the blessings that come with greater faith.

The question is, "how can we start fully living the doctrines of the gospel?"
The answer is, "thank heavens that we are members of "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth" (D&C 1:30).  It's "living" because it's led by the living Lord through his living oracles. The Lord, through them, has given us ample applicable knowledge. We will put a pause on studying from Preach My Gospel, and begin to study "For The Strength Of Youth"

A naive person may think that 'For The Strength Of Youth' is only for the "youth". Yes, it was written towards  the youth of the Church, but that's because all of us should internalize these vital principles and standards in our "youth". That does not mean, however, that once we turn 20 or 21 or 105 that we forget these essential life-long standards. 

It reminds me of the words from the prophet Alma to his son, Helaman, "O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God." (Alma 37:35). Alma understood, and was teaching his son, the importance of learning and applying principles of wisdom as soon as possible. The Lord expects all of us to "learn wisdom in [our] youth", so that we "will remain steadfast and valiant throughout [our] lives and that [we] will trust in the Savior and His promises." (For The Strength Of Youth)

I invite each of you (family, friends, random person who somehow received this E-mail) to get a brand new copy of For The Strength Of Youth this week. Each of you, individually.

For The Strength Of Youth
-1st section "Agency and Accountability"

-Why did a loving Father give each of us the agency to choose right from wrong?
-What other insights did you gain about agency and accountability?

I am certain of the Restoration. I am sure that God's Kingdom is on the earth and is known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am convinced of the Savior's power to heal, change and save. God does speak through his chosen servants. Thomas S. Monson is absolutely and completely a prophet of God. As we following the counsel from God's oracles, we will be guided, directed and protected. 

Love, Elder Giles

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